Treść zapytania

2024.01.18 godz. 11:47 Krakowskie Przedmieście, Małopolskie

Asking to pay utiliities after leaving the apartment. The whole year I havent heard from landlord that I have underpayments and never seen statements

Wyjaśnienie sytuacji

Hello, I am sorry I am writing in English bur my polish is not so good. My name is Barbora Novakova and I lived and worked in Krakow. I left my apartment in December 2023. My issue is that my landlord only after my leaving told me I have underpayments for my bills. I paid my rent and bills each month as signed in contract. The thing was I didnt know for whole year that my usage was higher ane prices also rised. He never contacted me during the year, didnt show me statements. Only now when he asked me to pay more than 2000PLN. Is this action legal? To treat me like this? Many thanks

Odpowiedzi prawników:

Radca prawny

Robert Różycki

Warszawa, Mazowieckie

(8 opinii)

Odpowiedział(a) dnia: 24 Sty 2024 10:55

Hello, in order to answer your question it is crucial to take a look at the signed contract. Usually, when the tenant leaves the apartment, the handover report should be signed, which proves the condition of the apartment and balance of the payments. Usually this should end the privity (legal relation) between the contracts parties. Nonetheless, it is possible that some payments could be reported after you left the apartment (e.g. the electricity bills compared to the usage forecast). Without analysis of your contract's provisions, it is not clear if the landlord action was legal or not. Regar
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